Rocky Mount Church

Some Basic Truths from John Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSSome Basic Truths From time to time, its needful to go back and be reminded of, or re-establish ourselves in the truths that form the foundation of our doctrine. These truths are critical to a better understanding of our relationship with God, the work of Christ, the life… Continue reading Some Basic Truths from John

Dead in Sin Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSDead in Sin What does it mean? Why is it important to understand this truth? The best place to start if we want to more fully understand grace is to more fully understand our condition before salvation and our total inability to recover ourselves from that condition. Without… Continue reading Dead in Sin

Committed to the Church Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSSCommitment to the Church What a blessed privilege to be a part of an institution established by the Creator of the universe and being built by our Savior; the pillar and ground of the truth! Does our commitment to this institution and the truth it upholds reflect our… Continue reading Committed to the Church