Rocky Mount Church


Our Founding Fathers Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=Founding Fathers, 4-Jul-10] Play above or Click here to download (right-click and save target) Our Founding Fathers embraced certain

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Widows to Young Women Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=widows_young women] Play above or Click Here to download (right click and save target) Trusting in God and diligently

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Husbands and Fathers Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=husbands and fathers] Play above or Click Here to download (right click and save target) What does God’s

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Family Integrated Worship

The following article is copied from March to Zion, a primitive baptist ministry website maintained by Elder Ben Winslett, pastor of Flint River Primitive Baptist Church.

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Lead Us Not Into Temptation Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=lead us not into temptation] Play above or Click Here to download (right click and save target) In

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Our Beliefs and Our Manner of Life Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=beliefs manner of life] Play above or Click Here to download (right click and save target) What we

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