Rocky Mount Church

The Prodigal Son, Riotous Living Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=The Prodigal Son, Riotous Living] Play above or Click Here to dowload (right click and save target) This series from Luke 15 continues as Brother Matt looks at what is meant by ‘riotous living’ and then considers some of the consequences of such a manner of life.

One Lost Coin, Matt Jordan Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=One Lost Coin] Play above or Click Here to download (right click and save target) This message takes a slightly different angle on a very familiar parable from Luke 15… the woman who lost one of her ten pieces of silver. Brother Matt teaches some lessons regarding responsibility… Continue reading One Lost Coin, Matt Jordan

One Lost Sheep, Matt Jordan Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=One Lost Sheep] Play above or Click Here to download (right click and save) The importance of one… and it didn’t seem to matter at that moment WHY the sheep was lost or HOW the sheep got there…

A Healthy Relationship with Christ, part 3 Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=Healthy Relationship with Christ part 3] Play Above or Click Here to download (right click and save target) Brother Matt concludes this series of messages considering what is needful on our part in order to have a healthy relationship with Christ.

A Healthy Relationship with Christ, part 2 Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=HlthyRltionship Christ (2)] Play above or Click Here to download (right click and save) Brother Matt continues this series looking at those characteristics that make for a healthy relationship with Christ; a closer walk with Him…

A Healthy Relationship with Christ, part 1 Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=Healthy Relationship with Christ (1)] Play above or Click Here to download (right click and save) Brother Matt begins a series of messages looking at characteristics of a spiritually healthy relationship with Christ. God speaks life to the dead, sends forth the Spirit of His Son into our… Continue reading A Healthy Relationship with Christ, part 1

The Temple and The Church, Daniel Wood Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=The Temple and The Church, Daniel Wood] Play above or Click Here to download “And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither…”

Unto What Were You Baptized, Carl Staten Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=3 Carl Staten] Play above or Click here to download (right click and save target) “…as long as people are satisfied where they are, they will never move… keep showing them Christ… were you baptized unto a system or unto Christ?”

Building the Church, Ben Winslett Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=6’24_night Ben Winslett] Play above or Click here to download (right click and save target) “We’ve had a spiritual depression in America for 75 years but…God is still building His church…”

A Great Supper is Ready Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS[audio:|titles=Luke14 great supper] Play above or Click here to download (right click and save target) From Luke 14… a great supper had been prepared. Some were not hungry; others recognized their need and realized who only could meet their needs…