The Bible teaches that man is dead in trespasses and in sin. Many today believe that we have only been wounded, or struck with a disease, but still retain some ability to lift ourselves up out of this condition. We believe when Adam fell, the entire human race fell with him into a state of death and separation from God. Because of Adam’s sin and our own sinful nature and practice, we deserve the wrath of God.
As the offspring of Adam, we are born with a sinful nature. In this fallen state, we have no ability or desire to seek righteousness, and the sentence passed upon us is death. In our natural state, we are described as being without strength. We do not seek God. In fact, we are said to be His enemies.
This doctrine is often referred to as Total Depravity. It is one of the very basic fundamental truths of God’s word. Unless we understand who and what we are by nature, everything else we believe concerning salvation and redemption will be dependent to some degree on the ability and will of man. Salvation then becomes a joint effort between Christ and the individual; redemption becomes a possibility but not a surety; God’s grace becomes an offer rather than a gift; and man shares the credit for obtaining a home in Heaven.
The Bible tells us that our salvation is by God’s grace, and not dependent on our works or will. Understanding and acknowledging this doctrine of Total Depravity leaves no room for man to boast, but gives all the glory to God’s sovereign grace.
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